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One Step Behind by Lauren North

One Step Behind by Lauren North

Jenna is a wife, a mother, a doctor. She’s also the victim of a stalker.

Every time she leaves her house, she sees him. Disturbing gifts are left at her door. Cruel emails are sent to her colleagues. She has no idea who this man is but she feels powerless against him.

Until the day he is brought into her hospital after a serious accident, and Jenna is given the chance to find out once and for all why this man is tormenting her.

Now, the power is all hers. But how many lines is she willing to cross to take back control of her life?

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Author Biography

Lauren North writes psychological suspense novels that delve into the darker side of relationships and families. She has a lifelong passion for writing, reading, and all things books.

Lauren’s love of psychological suspense has grown since childhood and from her dark imagination of always wondering what’s the worst thing that could happen in every situation.

Lauren studied psychology before moving to London where she lived and worked for many years. She now lives with her family in the Suffolk countryside.

Readers can follow Lauren on Twitter @Lauren_C _North and Facebook @LaurenNorthAuthor

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Well this was a corker of a thriller. Intensely dark, full of twists and turns, and it thoroughly creeped me out. The thought of being stalked is horrendous, especially when you have children and you see it affecting their lives. I think Lauren has done an amazing job of getting that fear across to the reader.

I thought the pacing of ‘One Step Behind’ was brilliant, it got its hooks into and didn’t want to let go. But it gave nuggets of information, narrative changes and twists throughout and although I figured out things I think you were meant to. All the way through I was like is she an unreliable narrator or not? Obviously, I’m not going to answer that but this was a book that made you think!

Jenna was a character I could root for. At times she came across as being a tad selfish but overall I enjoyed her. It was apparent she was running on empty and completely terrified, whilst trying to be a mother and a doctor. The rest of the characters were equally well formed and I particularly liked the brother / sister duo.

Overall, this is a well formed and gripping thriller and I would recommend reading it.


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