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Into the Dark by Fiona Cummins

Into the Dark by Fiona Cummins

Into The Dark by @fionacumminsauthor

Publisher - @panmacmillan 

Publication date - 14th April 2022 

Thanks to @netgalley and Pan Macmillan for the #gifted copy of the book. 

‘Into the Dark’ is a smorgasbord of lies, deception, double and triple bluffs, misdirection and a truly opaque narrative. It’s a compelling story that gets under your skin from the start. I devoured it in one day as it allows the reader to escape into a world that pulls you deep into the pages! 




Imagine going to your best friends house and finding that they had disappeared. The kitchen smells of toast, the kid's school bags are at the door, the radio is playing and the cars are still in the driveway. But there is no one in the house, their phones are being charged and their keys are still on the worktop?! It is like someone just picked them up and off they went. It's clear something has happened but what?!




Fiona uses the trick of a jumping timeline to great effect as it allows the narrators to drip-feed the information in such a way that the tension just ramps up nicely and hooks the reader in! I love to hate characters and I don't think there was actually one character I fully liked. Maybe ‘Blue’ is the only one with redeeming qualities. I would be very interested to read more about DI Anguish, also what a fantastic name for this ‘misunderstood’ policeman! The dynamic between Piper and Julianne was fascinating and captivating, although I did get slightly confused by their timeline. But that was probably because I was reading this with a migraine and brain fog is a bitch! 




This is definitely an engaging and enjoyable read and I will be listing it on my website! Keep your eyes peeled for this one people! 

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